Logistics in Wallonia Midi de la Supply Chain - Connected Mobility (Webinar - Français)

The webinar on connected mobility will analyse the regulatory, theoretical and practical aspects of this growing phenomenon.


On 17/02/23 from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm



Manufacturing companies as transport principals, Supply Chain Management intermediaries, service providers, technology solution developers.



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The webinar on connected mobility will analyse the regulatory, theoretical and practical aspects of this growing phenomenon. Connected mobility refers to the use of technology to connect companies, as principals of freight transport, vehicles, infrastructure and users to make traffic flow more smoothly and safely vehicles, infrastructure and users in order to make traffic flow more smoothly and safely.

The players in connected mobility are numerous and include vehicle manufacturers, governments, transport operators and service providers. Digitalisation is at the heart of this movement, bringing together information from different information from different actors to create smarter mobility solutions. The supply chain is also a key element, enabling the optimisation of the flow of goods and people for a better use of resources.

We will present existing practical applications of connected mobility, such as the We will present existing practical applications of connected mobility, such as Intelligent Traffic Management (ITS) and Intelligent Speed Recommendation (ISA) used by governments or proposed by the private sector to monitor and optimise traffic. We will also discuss future development ideas, such as context-sensitive navigation assistance, mobility data capture or the implementation of mobility data sharing systems to optimise the economic and societal costs of use. Finally, we will look at the challenges and opportunities for connected mobility players, while exploring the implications for society as a whole.

Webinar language: French


1 profile(s) associated to this event.


Logistics in Wallonia est le Pôle de compétitivité créé pour développer le secteur du transport et de la logistique en Wallonie et le promouvoir à l'extérieur de ses frontières, en coordonnant les actions, en définissant une stratégie commune et en optimisant les moyens humains et technologiques.

Rue du Vertbois 13, 4000 Liège, Belgique

Last updated: May 14, 2024


1 profile(s) associated to this event.

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WalHub is a European Digital Innovation Hub - EDIH based in Wallonia (Belgium) that supports manufacturing companies in their digital transformation through awareness and adoption of key technologies.

Sq. des Martyrs, 6000 Charleroi, Belgique

Last updated: January 14, 2024