Reduce costs and increase productivity by challenging your supply chain

Want to improve your supply chain performance?

Take part in our one-day workshop and discover the digital solutions that will help you become more efficient!
Reduce costs and increase productivity by challenging your supply chain.
Our experts will help you identify the right digital solutions for your business.


On 13/12/23 from 12:00 am to 12:00 am


Val-Saint-Lambert, Seraing, Belgique


Workshop for members of the management team of manufacturing companies (CEO, production manager, supply chain manager...) and limited to maximum 3 people per company.


Free of charge, on registration.

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The day will include:

  • Analysis of your industrial process and supply chain issues

  • Prioritization of actions to be carried out

  • Explore digital solutions adapted to your industrial challenges

  • Supply Chain experts and digital experts will be present to guide you in the formalization of your action plan.

Participation Criteria:

  • Workshop for members of the management team of manufacturing companies (CEO, production manager, supply chain manager...) and limited to maximum 3 people per company.

What you will gain:

  • A better understanding of your supply chain

  • A roadmap to improve your performance

  • A reduction in your costs and deadlines

What you will learn:

  • How to identify Supply Chain issues that impact your performance?

  • How to prioritize issues to provide effective solutions?

  • How to explore digital solutions adapted to your needs?

What you will experience:

  • An interactive and collaborative workshop

  • Rich exchanges with digital and supply chain experts

  • A concrete experience to implement your solutions


2 profile(s) associated to this event.


Logistics in Wallonia est le Pôle de compétitivité créé pour développer le secteur du transport et de la logistique en Wallonie et le promouvoir à l'extérieur de ses frontières, en coordonnant les actions, en définissant une stratégie commune et en optimisant les moyens humains et technologiques.

Rue du Vertbois 13, 4000 Liège, Belgique

Last updated: May 14, 2024

View WalHub's profile


WalHub is a European Digital Innovation Hub - EDIH based in Wallonia (Belgium) that supports manufacturing companies in their digital transformation through awareness and adoption of key technologies.

Sq. des Martyrs, 6000 Charleroi, Belgique

Last updated: January 14, 2024